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There are 1 results of your search for bum nuts.

bum nuts

Eggs: Would you like a couple of boiled bum nuts for brekkie?

Contributor's comments: I first heard this term in Northern South Australia.

Contributor's comments: My father, who grew up on the NSW South Coast, used this term, and now do I (Sydney).

Contributor's comments: I have heard and used this phrase in Melbourne.

Contributor's comments: When I use this term it "cracks people up" (parden the pun).

Contributor's comments: Also known as a chooks egg: "Bacon and Bum-Nuts"

Contributor's comments: [Brisbane informant] My ex fiance used the word bum nut all the time.

Contributor's comments: I always thought of 'bum nuts' as the dags that sometimes hang off a dog or cat's rear end after defacating.

Contributor's comments: This little pearler was handed down to me by my Dad, who in turn used it after hearing my Grandpa saying it when my Dad was a kid. I laugh like a hyena whenever I hear it.

Contributor's comments: Bum Nuts are also known as Hen Fruit. Example - breakfast order: I'll take Bacon, Hen Fruit and Mystery Bags please mate.