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There are 1 results of your search for nuffest.


silly or stupid. It was reported on Prof. Roly Sussex's program on ABC Radio in Darwin on 18 September 2002 by a caller. The caller reported seeing it written on several bus shelters in Palmerston, NT: John is the nuffest. A certain person is the nuffest.

Contributor's comments: My understanding of what 'nuff' can mean for adolescents is that it means 'cool/hip.' BUT ALSO that it can mean stupid, and that is its attraction, that you can say someone is 'nuff' without having to disclose what you mean. This allows you to tentatively to suggest that you think a potential love match is 'cool' but with the option of claiming that you actually had meant that they were the opposite of cool should your companions not agree!

Contributor's comments: I work in a Darwin school and this word is always used to describe something "cool" or "attractive" eg: "What a nuff car".