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There are 1 results of your search for kitchener bun.

kitchener bun

noun a doughnut-like cake filled with cream or mock cream and often jam.

Editor's comments: We have emended the definition to include the essential ingredient "cream".

Contributor's comments: [ACT informant] I believe a Kitchener Bun should have jam and CREAM, not just jam.

Contributor's comments: [Adelaide informant] My experience of readily available commercially produced Kitchener buns is with only minor amounts of jam, but prodigious amounts of (mock) cream [making polite eating a near impossibility].

Contributor's comments: Kitchener bun is filled with jam and cream, not just jam as stated in your text.

Contributor's comments: The defining feature of a kitchener bun is that it's filled with CREAM. It usually (although not always) also contains a dollop of jam.

Contributor's comments: An elongated donut filled with jam and cream: "I'll have a kitchener bun with lunch."

Contributor's comments: An iced finger bun (usually pink icing) as ordered from the school tuck shop in my early days - Blackwood South Australia: "I'll 'ave a pie an' a kitchener thanks."