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There are 1 results of your search for berm.


Verge, as in the road verge in front of a house: The berm needs mowing.
Contributor's comments: Also called nature strip in some places. sed in NZ, but I have heard it occassionally in Perth. Probably imported from NZ.

Contributor's comments: Heard the term berm in reference to banks on turns at motorcross tracks in WA.

Contributor's comments: Berm - We used the term in suburban Melbourne. Blackburn Lake unofficially had a wicked BMX track which included 'berms', or curved raised track like the turns on a motor cross track!

Contributor's comments: Surrounding bases in Vietnam. Raised mound of soil protecting a base camp. Could be used by vets. "Goin' over the berm" ... goin' AWOL ... goin' troppo ... over the top! Different connotations depending on time remaining 'in country'

Contributor's comments: Used in army in Townsville in 70's & 80's - referred to a raised piece of ground adjoining a ditch (ex Viet Nam I think).