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There are 1 results of your search for gambeze.


a little fish approx. 2cm long, found in ponds, small rivers/streams, etc. Brownish grey in colour and can live in an ice cream container, on a diet of toast crumbs for a few weeks: Last weekend we had a picnic at a park near the river, and after lunch we went and caught some gambezes with a butterfly net.

Editor's comments: Are these little fish known elsewhere in Australia? Are they spelt "gambeze" or "gambezi"?

Contributor's comments: These little fish are all across Australia. They are called Mosquitofish and their scientific name is Gambusia. We used to catch them in the drains along the Swan River when I was a kid. We called them Gambusias and I suspect Gambeze is a corruption of the scientific name.

Contributor's comments: I think the correct spelling is "gambusia". Also known as mosquito fish. Pest in WA rivers. I think introduced from South America or Indonesia to control mosquito but ended up eating just about anything.

Contributor's comments: I always thought of this one as gamboozies, or gamboosia. Sounds like a scientific term for the fish.

Contributor's comments: There is a small fish with the scientific name Gambusia.

Contributor's comments: We used to collect these as kids from a huge swamp to the north-west of Perth. We pronounced them 'gambezee'. If you couldn't get a gilgie you could always go home with some gambesi."

Contributor's comments: I think there are two species of Gambusia in Australia. I'm pretty sure the more common one is Gambusia holbrookii. It's an introduced pest. It's also useful for animal behaviour experiments which is where I got to know a lot about them. I do remember often catching and keeping them when I was a kid.