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There are 1 results of your search for round.


a "round" of sandwiches ie 1 sandwich: May I have a round of sandwiches?

Contributor's comments: In Western Australia one would always order a Round of Ham & Tomato or whatever.

Contributor's comments: 'Round' was common for a sandwich in Brisbane and S.E. Queensland throughout the Fifties and Sixties. It seemed to disappear South of the border, where confusion reigned with the 'one sandwich' / 'four sandwich' issue mentioned elsewhere in this database!

Contributor's comments: I asked for a round of cheese and tomato when I first moved to NSW from WA in 1976 and the Greek shop assistant was mystified and asked me how many slices of bread I wanted and where I wanted the filling. I thought she was crazy or she didn't understand because she was foreign but when I related the story back at work I realized I was the foreigner as none of my colleagues knew the expression and told me to just ask for a sandwich.