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There are 1 results of your search for elevener.


noun the mid-morning break in primary school. Compare elevenses, levna.

Editor's comments: This term had been previously removed from the Word Map database due to an overwhelming response attesting to its lack of existence, and a corresponding underwhelming response to the contrary. However, we have reinstated it on the basis of a contribution from Far West Queensland. Can anyone else help out here?

Contributor's comments: Have NEVER heard this word used in 30 years as a teacher in NSW schools.

Contributor's comments: I have lived in and travelled all over NSW. I am a third generation school teacher and have never ever heard elevener used. In my experience it was/is little lunch in the infants and playlunch in the primary. Elevener must be a very isolated regionalism.

Contributor's comments: Elevenzus was used in central western Qld in the '50's.

Contributor's comments: I grew up in West Central Qld and 'beamie' or 'beam' was one of our favourite games at 'elevena' and lunchtime - very serious and very competitive. Those were the days! Unfortunately today's steel constructed buildings do not seem to provide a wooden beam to play on.

Contributor's comments: Elevener or levna was definitely used in sth Qld. country schools in the 1950s. Glad it was reinstated.

Contributor's comments: Elevenzes was our play-lunch, and was normal lunch-time for those who started work early.